Portal Advice

Our Portal Advisory service at Engage forms the central element of our service to you, the Real Estate Agent and will fast become an essential part of your portal usage.

We will help you with many aspects of your portal usage helping you to work with the portals that best fit your property inventory.

Portals will have specific requirements for use and we can make sure you comply with these requirements. Do you have the correct fields and do these fields contain the correct format of data? Does the portal cover the geographical areas you want to target? Does the portal accept property descriptions in the languages you support? Does the portal specialise in the type of properties you want to promote? These questions and many more will be analysed before you start to look at using a portal.

However this is only the start of the process as we can also look at solutions as to how to solve lasting issues through services we offer at Engage and though our associated brands.

It is also important to look at the marketing each portal does. How much does it spend on social media? Does it do TV advertising? What is its google ranking? These are important questions to ask as for many of the larger portals, this is what you are paying for.

Once you are up and running we at Engage will analyse with you the results you are getting from each portal to make sure you are getting the best value for money.

Contact us today to start using portals in the most effective way.